Airwheel Q3 self balancing electric scooter is highly recommended for starters.
The future transportation requires more innovative thinking.
Airwheel self-balancing unicycle was designed to be lightweight and convenient.
Wiki Background Knowledge: Electric unicycle known as the latest transport tool, is powered by electricity and gyro-stabilized. As the common transport, automobile consumes huge fuel resources everyday and results in ever-serious ...
Do you want to experience of riding what Tesla ?
self-balancing unicycle The vehicle can read your thoughts!
With the popularity of Electric balancing scooter all over the world.
In the age of intellectual economy, science and technology have tuned in our daily life.
In the age of intellectual economy, science and technology have tuned in our daily life. Airwheel make you enjoy the free intelligent life.
Zero emission & no pollution All the power source of Airwheel S3 comes from lead acid battery, and it is convenient to charge by using power supply for household.